ACS Part 3 – ED Management

Now that we talked about pathophys and diagnosis, let’s finally talk about meds and treatment (after all, as a clinical pharmacist, I’m the meds person on the team 🤓).

Today we are going to talk about meds that you should initiate ASAP.

I don’t know about you, but when I was in school I learned about MONA (M= morphine, O=oxygen, N=nitrates and A=antiplatelets/anticoag). It was definitely a helpful acronym at the time, but today I’m going to talk about why I don’t really love it.

Source: Wikipedia

I want to start off with arguably the most important medications you should be giving during ACS – antiplatelets and anticoagulation. All these other treatments we’re going to talk about later might help your patient feel better in the moment, but it’s not going to treat the underlying cause (I don’t care how much morphine you give your patient, it’s not going to solve that clot issue in your coronary artery).

Let’s start with the antiplatelets. Patients with ACS should get what we call dual antiplatelet therapy, which consists of a combination of aspirin and a P2Y12 inhibitor.

Source: The Awkward Yeti – Nick Seluk


Invented in the 1800s, aspirin is still the backbone of therapy for ACS. Aspirin was discovered based on compounds in plants such as the willow tree.

Source: WonderHowTo

Chemist Charles Gerdhardt created aspirin (aka acetylsalicyclic acid) for the first time by combining sodium salicylate with acetyl chloride. The name aspirin came from the prefix a(cetyl) + spir (from spireaea a plant genus where it acetylsalicylic was derived) + in (a common chemical suffix at the time).

Literally used for over a hundred years, it wasn’t until 1971 where John Vane figured out the mechanism of action of how aspirin works. Aspirin suppresses the production of prostaglandins and thromboxanes in the body by irreversibly inactivating an enzyme known as COX (cyclooxygenase) which is needed to synthesize prostaglandins and thromboxanes.

Prostaglandins are a group of lipid compounds that have a bunch of different effects in animals and are found in almost every tissue in humans. Different prostaglandins have different structural differences which make them have different effects in the body. Prostaglandins are involved in inflammation, regulating contraction of smooth muscle tissues, and prevent needless clot formation. Not as important in ACS, but prostaglandins are also involved in hypothalamic temperature regulation and transmission of pain to the brain, which is why aspirin can be effective for treating fever and pain.

Thromboxanes are other lipids that are involved in vasoconstriction and facilitates platelet aggregation. This is actually how thromboxane got its name (read: thrombus). In ACS when platelets become activated and sticky to form a plug, these platelets secrete a bunch of different stuff to aid in clot formation, and among these is thromboxane A2 (TXA2). Thromboxane A2 stimulates the activation of new platelets and increases platelet aggregation.

Source: Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts

By irreversibly inhibiting the COX enzyme, aspirin prevents further prostaglandin and thromboxane synthesis, therefore decreasing platelet activation and inflammation.

It gets a little bit more tricky though – there’s actually more than 1 type of COX enzyme in your body. Aspirin works on both COX-1 and COX-2, which is why, besides our effects we want from aspirin, we also see some undesirable side effects (btw, we didn’t figure out that there were two of these guys until the 1990s).

COX-1 is present in most tissues in our bodies. In the gastrointestinal tract, COX-1 helps to maintain the normal lining of our stomach, intestines, etc and protects the stomach from our acidic and digestive juices. COX-1 is also the guy that makes the stuff that activates platelets, which is what we want to target in ACS.

COX-2 is primarily found at sites of inflammation and does not really have any effects on platelets. It doesn’t help protect the stomach. It mostly is involved in producing the prostaglandins that contribute to pain, fever, and inflammation.


So this leads us in a little conundrum. We want to block both COX-1 and COX-2, but unfortunately the unwanted effect here is that by blocking COX-1 we also can end up with side effects like gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding.

(Side note: though they’re not used in ACS, we actually have made COX-2 selective inhibitors (e.g. celecoxib) which is used to treat pain and inflammation, without getting the blood-thinning and GI bleeding effects we see with aspirin.

(side-side note: if anyone has a baby and needs a quick halloween costume idea, I vote baby aspirin. get a white onesie, slap a little printed bayer logo on them, and you’re done. I’ve always had this idea but don’t have a baby to do it with and my dogs don’t cooperate).

In ACS, aspirin should be given orally as a load (usually 325 mg)chewed, followed by a maintenance dose of 81 mg (baby aspirin dosing) by mouth per day.

Annoyed at the request, the authors decided to comply – but not before including a subgroup analysis based on astrological sign. Yep, you heard me.

Source: ISIS-2 (Lancet 1988 Aug 13;2(8607):349-60.)

And they actually found that Geminis and Libras were actually more likely to die with aspirin use. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

My literal face when I read the ISIS-2 trial for the first time. Source: GIFY

I love, love, love this trial to demonstrate to learners that 👏subgroup👏analysis👏is👏hypothesis👏generating👏only👏. In other words, you go fishing with your data enough, and you’re bound to find difference between groups by chance.

P2Y12 Inhibitors

Now let’s get into our other antiplatelet backbone – P2Y12 inhibitors.

What’s a P2Y12 thingy maboby?

The mechanism of action (MOA) of P2Y12 receptor antagonists are way more straightforward than aspirin’s.

Source: Bentham Science Publishers

The P2Y12 receptor is a receptor that is present on the surface of platelets and plays an important part in platelet aggregation. When activated by ADP, platelet aggregation is induced.

By creating drugs that can antagonize, or inhibit, this receptor, we can then reduce and prevent platelet aggregation.

Our oral P2Y12 inhibitors are clopidogrel (Plavix), ticagrelor (Brilinta) and prasugrel (Effient).

Clopidogrel is an oldie but goodie in terms of our P2Y12 inhibitor options, but she has her flaws.

Pros: Because she’s older, she’s affordable and also widely considered to have the lowest risk of bleeding out of all our P2Y12 inhibitor options.

Source: FDA

Cons: Clopidogrel is a prodrug which means she’s biologically inactive until she can be metabolized to produce an active component. Clopidogrel is metabolized by an enzyme known as CYP219 in the liver. Unfortunately, due to the wonderful world of genetics, different people can have different polymorphisms of CYP2C19 – some people may naturally have a less active version of CYP219 (known as a poor metabolizer), some people may have an hyperactive version (known as an ultra rapid metabolizer) and so on. Because the efficacy of clopidogrel is so reliable on its conversion from prodrug, that means some people (roughly 2-14% of the population) you give clopidogrel to may have reduced antiplatelet responses from clopidogrel (in practice we call these people clopidogrel nonresponders). Because of this, the FDA put a boxed warning in March of 2010 warning that this is a possibility. In addition, any drug that modulates the activity of CYP2C19 may also mess with the efficacy of clopidogrel so, when in doubt, run a quick drug-drug interaction checker on your patients.

Just like aspirin (ASA), clopidogrel should be given as a load (usually 300-600 mg), followed by a maintenance dose of 75 mg PO (by mouth) QD (daily).

Because of this increased risk of bleeding, prasugrel is contraindicated in patients >75 years old or in those who have a history of stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA).

Just like all the above antiplatelets in ACS, prasugrel should be given as a load of 60 mg PO followed by a maintenance dose of 10 mg PO QD or 5 mg PO QD for those < 60 kilograms.

Because of the higher risk of bleeding seen with ticagrelor versus clopidogrel in the PLATO trial, ticagrelor is also contraindicated in patients with a history of intracranial hemorrhage (brain bleeding).

Ticagrelor is the only oral P2Y12 inhibitor that is dosed twice a day (BID) and also possesses the unwanted side effect of dyspnea (difficulty breathing), thought to be due to adenosine, since ticagrelor inhibits its clearance and increases its concentration in the bloodstream but it’s actually not completely elucidated. Like all above, ticagrelor should be given as a load of 180 mg followed by a maintenance dose of 90 mg PO BID.

Less commonly seen and used, cangrelor (Brand name Kengreal) was FDA approved in 2015 and is our only IV P2Y12 inhibitor. I won’t get too far into the weeds, but cangrelor is a good option if your patient is unable to take PO due to nausea/vomiting/unconsciousness. After all, if you patient can’t take anything orally, they can’t get their aspirin or their oral P2Y12 inhibitors and their platelet pathway is still fully active. Big thing to remember with cangrelor is because of its quick-on, quick-off properties, you still need to load your oral antiplatelet therapies as usual once its turned off.

++++++++++Study break time++++++++
Blowout season is here for one of my dog’s Ashe. She likes to make dog-sized mountains of fur every time I brush her. This is after a single brush session.


Now that we’ve nailed down DAPT which will interfere with your platelet pathway, let’s talk about how we interfere with the other side of forming a thrombus – or the coagulation cascade.

Anticoagulation is recommend for ALL patients and is generally continued for at least 48 hours or until patients go to PCI (we’ll discuss PCI in a later post).

All of our anticoagulants interfere somewhere within our coagulation cascade to prevent further clot from forming. This is a big distinction between giving anticoagulants or giving clot-busting drugs such as fibrinolytics. Anticoagulants do nothing to existing clot, but they prevent that clot from getting bigger.

Your choice of anticoagulants in ACS tend to be given parenterally and include the following: unfractionated heparin (UFH), enoxaparin, bivalirudin, and fondaparinux. Believe it or not, but (to my knowledge) there’s actually no trial supporting the use of UFH in ACS since it was at one point the only thing we had.

See below for dosing strategies and supporting evidence. I eventually plan on doing a future post discussing the basics of anticoagulants and how each agent works.

UFH60 units/kg bolus IV
12 units/kg/hr IV infusion 
EnoxaparinOptional 30 mg IV bolus
1 mg/kg subcut BID; (can consider 0.75 mg/kg subcut BID in patients >75 YO)
BivalirudinPrior to PCI: 0.1 mg/kg IV bolus then 0.25 mg/kg/hr IV infusion
At the time of PCI: 0.75 mg/kg IV bolus, then 1.75 mg/kg/hr IV infusion
Fondaparinux2.5 mg subcut daily

Do not use alone for PCI secondary to increased risk of catheter thrombosis

The “MON” of MONA (and other things)

That we’ve went over the key meds that actually will treat the underlying cause, let’s talk about other meds you might give in initial ED management. Let’s start with the “M” in MONA: morphine.

Fun Fact – The poppy is often considered Poland’s national flower, which is which is my heritage. Source:

Morphine is an opioid medication that comes from the poppy flower and is used to treat pain. Besides its analgesic effects, it also has anxiolytic and venodilatory effects.

OK, OK – so should you not treat pain in your patients? Well, that’s a bad idea too. Think about what patients look like when they are in pain – think about their vitals. They’re hyperventilating and their heart rates are elevated (tachycardic).

Now consider what effect that would have on their heart’s demand. It would increase its demand right? The problem is, thanks to that pesky thrombus, our supply is limited or blocked and your heart will be unable to get enough blood to supply it, which would then worsen necrosis and cardiac cell death.

This guy needs some pain relief. Source: PrimoGIF

TLDR: if your patient is in pain, give them the damn morphine (or fentanyl) if a nitrate isn’t helping. But if they’re hanging in there – it might be better to hold off.

Next is oxygen – let’s make this simple. This shouldn’t be a staple either – if you patient needs oxygen – let’s say they have an O2 sat <90% – slap on a nasal cannula and start that baby at 2-4 L/min. If they don’t – hold off.

Next up are nitrates like nitroglycerin (NTG). NTG can be given sublingually, as a spray, put as a paste on the chest, or given as a continuous infusion (CIVI).

Nitroglycerin works by converting to nitric oxide in the body which causes relaxation of smooth muscle within blood vessels and causes vasodilation. This can help get more blood flow through the clogged coronary artery and therefore help with chest pain.

Nitroglycerin tends to work primarily on preload (by dilating peripheral veins) but at higher doses, starts dilating peripheral arteries at well, thus at these higher doses you can see both preload and afterload reduction.

The main things to know about NTG in ACS:

That one time a movie got it right. Source: TZR.IO

That’s the basics of ED management. Still to come: reperfusion strategies and meds to initiate while in-house or on discharge. Until then –

2 thoughts on “ACS Part 3 – ED Management

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