Valvular Disease Part 2: Treating Valvular Dx Prior to Surgery and Surgical Valve Replacement

Now that we’ve solidified the basics of valves – why we have ’em, how they work, all the squirrely stuff that can go wrong with them – let’s talk about how we actually can treat these patients. We’re going to be reviewing treatment of these conditions prior to surgery/replacement and then review what therapies theseContinue reading “Valvular Disease Part 2: Treating Valvular Dx Prior to Surgery and Surgical Valve Replacement”

Valvular Heart Disease Part 1: The Basics of Valves and Valvular Dx Pathophys

Welcome back, guys! Today we are going to start our journey into ✨valvular heart disease✨. This is a very, very pathophys heavy topic, and if you follow along, hopefully you won’t have to memorize anything because the pathophys will make sense. Because this is so pathophys heavy, we actually won’t even be talking about treatmentsContinue reading “Valvular Heart Disease Part 1: The Basics of Valves and Valvular Dx Pathophys”

Stats: Internal Validity, External Validity, and Run-In Periods

Today we are going to be talking about some general stats stuff. For all my stats posts, I will always preface with the understanding that YA GIRL is NOT a statistician. At all. Seriously. I envy the brilliance of those people every time that time comes around during research. With that being said though, IContinue reading “Stats: Internal Validity, External Validity, and Run-In Periods”

VTE Part ✌️: VTE Presentation and Diagnosis

Happy September everyone! As a northeast coaster, I am definitely looking forward to this fall and the cooler weather. I am indeed a basic bitch when it comes to the autumn (guilty as charged). I have been living for my morning pumpkin cream cold brew. Today is part 2 of our VTE series which willContinue reading “VTE Part ✌️: VTE Presentation and Diagnosis”

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) Part☝️: Introduction

Today we’re gonna begin to tackle a core cardiology topic: venous thromboembolism 🎉🎉. For the purposes of today’s intro, we’re going to focus on defining VTE, understand the anatomy, and nail down some core pathophys concepts before we get into more specifics in our future posts. But before we dive into everything – you knowContinue reading “Venous thromboembolism (VTE) Part☝️: Introduction”

Vasopressor Review Part ☝️: Overview and Phenylephrine 💉

Hey hey, today we’re going to start talking vasopressors – we’ll start with an overview of the background material and then delve into our first pressor we’ll discuss: phenylephrine. Let’s get into it already! What is a vasopressor? Vasopressors, also commonly referred to as pressors, are a group of meds that contract (tighten) blood vesselsContinue reading “Vasopressor Review Part ☝️: Overview and Phenylephrine 💉”

Treatment of Afib Part ✌️: Rhythm Control

Today we’re talking rhythm control (it’s kinda a doozy, sorry in advance, love u). In order to get the most of out today’s talk, I recommend these previous “pre-readings” of sorts: The Cardiac Conduction Cycle and the Cardiac Action Potential Atrial Fibrillation: An Overview Atrial Fibrillation: Chronic Anticoagulation Atrial Fibrillation: Acute Anticoagulation Part 2 AtrialContinue reading “Treatment of Afib Part ✌️: Rhythm Control”

Atrial Fibrillation Tx Part ☝️: Rate Control

Hey guys! Today we’re going to go over treatments for atrial fibrillation. Suggested pre-readings so we’re all on the same page: Atrial Fibrillation: Overview If you are interested in more anticoag stuff regarding afib, see the following posts: Atrial Fibrillation: Chronic Anticoagulation 💊 Atrial Fibrillation: Acute Anticoagulation Part ✌️ Rate versus Rhythm Control When we’reContinue reading “Atrial Fibrillation Tx Part ☝️: Rate Control”

Atrial Fibrillation: Acute Anticoagulation Part ✌️

“Required” readings to help understand what I’m talking about: Atrial Fibrillation: Overview Atrial Fibrillation: Chronic Anticoagulation Hey guys! I’m already back – but figured it would be good to finish the afib anticoag talk while it’s still fresh in your head. Spring has started really hitting the northeast, where I am in Jersey. My dogsContinue reading “Atrial Fibrillation: Acute Anticoagulation Part ✌️”